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Poe's Emporium

Yellow Happy Face with a Bullethole In It

Don’t say the word “Smiley”… some asshole will sue you.

Look, if you found this, you know what this yellow, circular, pleasant looking symbol of some sort that somewhat resembles a creature with eyes and a mouth is called.  So do I.  However, I’m not allowed to call it what it actually is like a normal person would, or some person who owns a company with that exact name sues me or Zazzle.  So, just play along.  It’s a yellow face looking thing that’s been shot by a firearm or possibly public opinion.  The crowd rejoices!  If I try to describe it as the thing actually IS, the product gets rejected… so here we are.  We type these stupid things on our phones during daily conversation, but using their name on a shirt?  Forbidden.  Gotta love this world we live in.

It’s your standard icon of cheer, joy and light… with a hole in its head and smoke rising from the wound.  He’s still smiling, though… so everything’s gonna be all right! 🙂

Or to see this and other designs in our “Graphics and Chuckles” category, click here!

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