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Poe's Emporium

Yellow Happy Face with a Bullethole In It Large Clock

Hahaha!  ZAZZLE MAKES CLOCKS NOW?  What the what?!  This makes me very pleased… heck, this symbol is the mascot of my shop here… I’ll buy one of these next week.  Holy shit… a *#*()$*#-ing CLOCK! Woot!

Oh yeah, the description. Do you really need one? Fine, I’ll paste it: It’s your standard icon of cheer, joy and light… with a hole in its head and smoke rising from the wound.  He’s still smiling, though… so everything’s gonna be all right! 🙂

It’s a CLOCK. There are probably a couple of options, but if you put it on a square one, I’ll kill you. 🙂

Or to see this and other designs in our “Graphics and Chuckles” category, click here!

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