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Poe's Emporium

State of the Emporium (Coronavirus Free Version)

Howdy, folks. I’ve not been posting new and wacky things on here as constantly as the pace we were used to, so here’s why:

Our sister site, TeeShirtPimp.com is coming along nicely. We’ve now got about 1,600 products on there so far from creators and artists all over the place and I’m almost done with the first part of the mission there… getting loads of funny/interesting products on there and pimping them. Unfortunately, that takes time. I could just take the easy way out and just grab folks’ stuff without talking to them, but that’s never been the real way the Tee Shirt Pimp site worked.

Sure, I grabbed several folks’ stuff who seemed like good sellers and plopped them up there without worrying about contacting them (that will happen later), but I prefer to actually TALK to the folks whose products I’m promoting. I’ve always found that this works so much better for everyone. That way I don’t fail to represent them and their beloved work properly. In the end, quality is what comes out the end. And hopefully, happy customers.

So, yeah… I’m still taking down ideas or thinking stuff up almost every day to slap onto a shirt or coffee mug. I write them down. I’ve got ONE more site to create, the most ambitious one I’ve ever gotten into. Once I’ve got Tee Shirt Pimp where I’d like her to be, I’ll take a break and design some more fun stuff for The Emporium. But THEN? Gotta make the third site. Those of you who like our warped humor aren’t gonna like that one much, but it’s not gonna be FOR you. Or myself and the Pit Crew, really. But it’s a good idea.

Promoting artists who aren’t goofball hedonists or provocateurs like ourselves. Stuff that isn’t T-Shirts. This new site will be for the “normies”. The folks who aren’t odd… they just like neat things. They need a website as well. They’ve got scores of them already, but never one run by US.

It’ll be an adventure setting it up, but I know my fellow artists on Zazzle and other places will be more than happy to fill it up with quality swag.

But, that’ll be then. Another week or so of properly pimping, and Poe’s will be back in my main spotlight. Then, it’ll be slow for a bit while I create something that myself and the boys simply wouldn’t have thought of… and make it great. Once that’s done, the 3 can balance each other, and all the odds will be even.

That’s the hope, anyway. In the meantime, stay weird. It’s what we’re good at!

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